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I feel like these two last pages are something that other artists would condense into a single one. Which would be wrong and bad, but yaknow. 

Even if the same amount of information could be condensed within a single page instead of two, it wouldn't feel the same. To me the more panels there are the faster it feels (even if it's not necessarily true within the context of the scene). If I don't force scenes to linger, they'd seem less important. Which is inefficient when it comes to drawing pages, it slows production quite a bit because it takes me more pages to finish a story than it would other artists. And yet I still feel like I'm going too fast with this comic in some spots (like page 11-12), that I should add some more panels and pages here and there that serve nothing but to elongate the time people will spend on a scene because it has to FEEL long even if it wouldn't necessarily be long if it was depicted real-time.

This was my random text of the night thank you bye. I got some ben10 to draw now so I'm not sure I'll have another page done within the week, but I'll try.


s22 by vonboche-dcokxve



what's been kinda striking me about this comic is the point-of-view - how the two characters share space in panels, but from page 10 or so onward, we're being shown two perspectives: Bakugou's internal monologue, and Kirishima's drunken stream-of-consciousness rambling. They're within inches of fucking, but at the same time they're almost not even interacting, which carries tension. And these last couple pages are where those two perspectives finally merge - and that payoff is what we've all been waiting for, it's a turning point, so it makes sense to make some space in the story for the audience to appreciate the *relief* in that moment, you know?


Will they kiss? :-)


I know, I know. I wrote it so that people would want to see perspectives merge the fuck out.