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Just a small update, I've seen the winner, it'll be done in january tho cos I just don't have the time still. Otherwise, tonight or tomorrow there will be the Spit Low page (which I thought would have been done before christmas, remember that ? Remember when I thought the werewolf comic would be done before halloween ?)

Anyway, like I thought, after this page is posted I will work on Disintegrity's remaster solely for the while it takes until I have a livable room and house because it's unbearable to work in bite-size bits of time and never being able to accomplish much of anything. So smaller work like Disintegrity's lifting are more fulfilling than trying to do anything else.



Nice :-) Though I don't know who or what (a) Krampus is. I know the name from a swiss carneval demon, but not sure what it means here. Again, apologies for my cluelessness. Anyway, I'm sure it will be great.