Disintegrity 62+81 ! (Patreon)
The upgrade on these page is pretty self explanatory, so I'll be quick (plus I wanna sleep...)
62 : I thought the first panel looked alright but I still redid it entirely in the end. Same with the third panel, altho I was super wrong. Zee's face is not great but Larsen's is just fucked. I remember being happy with it back when I first drew it, I guess I just never flipped the canvas until I had to redo it, but when I did, the horror was revealed...
I guess one thing that's worse in the new version tho is Zee's eye is less visible in the last panel.
Otherwise the biggest, most obvious change is the panel layout. The old page looked more solemn whereas the new one is more energetic. Maybe the old page made it look more intense but the new one makes Zee sound more enthused.
81 : It's just the same but better. Look at those dicks, they're better dicks now. As usual it looks brighter, which is the only other difference in the tone of the page beside the straight up better art.
That(s about all there is to say. I'm going to bed now...