Disintegrity 8 remade ! (Patreon)
Sorry for the wait, I've gotten a two comic page comish to work on so I might be even slower in the future. It do be like that. I wish I could just work on my own stuff full time but I'm not there yet sadly.
Moving on ! Page 8 isn't a vital page of the comic but the comic needed some example of Larsen being a cruel dickhead so that's why it's there. Had I known the comic would clock up to 120 pages long, I'd probably have added more in that vein, just todrive the point home. Yet back then I still had an estimation of around 40 pages, the comic balloooned cos I really liked these characters even if in retrospect I couldn't draw them with any consistency.
Anywa, panel 1 ! Probably the biggest improvement in the remake. I'm not sure how well the original conveys that Larsen snatches the bag off Zee's hands but I feel it's certainly more obvious in the new one ? At least Zee's hand is near the bag. Beside that, Larsen's expression is both changed and more visible. In the original his face was just stoic. I guess it could hint as to how mundane his bullying is but I like having him look more twisted as he berates Zee.
Panel 2 is hardly worth mentionning, although I should have draw a bunch of Zee's hair above the speech bubble. But oh well.
Panel 3 is also the very definition of an "oh well' panel. I don't think the old one looks good. I don't think the new one looks good either. But I don't care enough to fix it. So there it is.
Panel 4 had some issues, Zee's pose made him look incredibly awkward and the linework on Larsen alternated between thick and ultra fucking thick for some reason. So I try to make Zee's reaching pose more natural (his left hand seems too small but again : "oh well !") and Larsen's linework is redefined. Redone, really. There's not a single line that remains of the old page anywhere in sight.
The only thing worth noting in Panel 5 is that I moved it closer to panel 4 for readibility' sake.
Which is also why panel 6 is now detached from panel 4, because why was it attached to it in the first place ?! It was an invitation to read it all in the wrong order. Very stupid layout that crops up a bunch in Disintegrity, it's not the first one I fix in this remastering process. Beside that, I really liked Zee's expression on the last panel in the old page. I some ways I still prefer it to the new page if I'm being honest, but oh well !
Okay bye