Disintegrity 53 remake ! (Patreon)
Sorry for taking so long, it's one page I suffered with. There's nothing left of the old one on this page ! Nothing ! I just didn't feel like there was much of anything worth saving except for the general progression being mostly the same, save for removed panels.
So what are the changes ? Well everything. But more precisely, since some panels are still mostly depicting the same thing :
Zee's head is not seen from profile nanymore in the first panel ! Back then I just didn't really know how to properly draw a head seen from 3/4 of the back. It sometimes ended like this. S'not great. Now We just see Zee's chin so the problem isn't there anymore !
The dialog was changed because that first line was rather worthless. I think i wrote it back then to make sure that readers understood that Larsen's hands were not an issue anymore since it wasn't obvious through visuals. Seems unnecessary tho so bugger it.
I removed the panel where Larsen's ween slowly zips wobbles out of the pants, I figure it wasn't that worthwhile, I'd rather spend the space drawing more of that middle panel where it makes contact with Zee's nose. Even then it's obviously less emphasized given the drawn back angle for a larger view of the scene, the "boop" isn't as clear but again, was that worth the size of that panel originally ? I think NOT. Now it's more screen space to make Zee look cute.
Next panel is mostly depicting the same thing, Zee's expression is just less unhinged than before. It was funny looking if a bit awkward, but that wasn't super sexy. So I just calmed it down.
Next panel is removed ! I didn't hate it but it didn't feel that necessary since I already paired down that previous panel. It used to contrast with how excited Zee was then this panel brought it down to earth but... Meh.
Last panel is just same as old but with better angle, better butt.
Other potentially worthwhile notes : dick looks better !
The panelling makes the page look less charged, less stiff, since some panels are round and there's more blank space to let it breathe. I still think there are some confusing layout with the middle panel (mostly because I wanted Zee's butt to appear in full glory), just like page 52 in fact ! But whatever. It's not enough of a big deal for me to reshape it.
ok bye