Disintegrity 68 remake ! (Patreon)
This one is biug full remake. The only thing left from the old one is that one speech bubble from Zee with a snifl.
So why the changes ? Well, first panel changed because it's unecessarily big, so it's smaller now. What was the need for such a massive zoom ? Dunnow. It is also rather similar to that of subsequent pages so I made it sideview instead of more front facing. I gave the balls more momentum too cos it looks more fun. Especially since I draw them round and heavy looking now, cos it's more enticing imagining them smashing on the butt/taint of the bottom. I kinda didn't care about balls back then, or genitals in general. It was just a thing. Now I understand how to make a scene sexier so... balls
Panel 2 is mostly the same but better, the pose looks less crowded and we can actually see Zee's face now.
But even then I thought it'd be better to have the words he say be visualized with a more frontal view of his happy face so that's partly why I added a third panel. The other reason is to see a smoother transition towards angry larsen of p.69. The whole page layout might be a bit repetitive of p.67 (not yet remade) but whatever, I'll think about it then. For now it's a much better read.
Okay buh-bye