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The HD page is up as well since it's one to be posted everywhere anyway.

Much like every pages of DIsintegrity now, every lines were redone with nothing left of the original characters. Old 30 wasn't awful by any mean by the linework is so thick and attach to some wonky anatomy to the point that it's worthless trying to fix it. Still, I don't hate the old one.

There are some changes to mention, not that the page look all that different from the old one.

Panel 1 and 2's horizontal position have been inverted so that panel 2 is the one that touches panel 3, it makes it slightly more intuitive when it comes to the reading order. The panel themselves ? Nothing to talk about.

Zee gets extra floof on panel 3. It doesn't fit beneath the towel anymore. 

In old 4, You could see Zee's smile. Now you can see his derizive gaze. "But there must be some reason for the change, right ? " well, yeah, the remade panel wasn't planned properly so the smile was hidden. It looked like something was lost since Zee's face didn't show any particular sign of being amused, altho his eyes were now visible so I thought that I'd add the lacking expression there instead of redoing the pose to bring the smile back.

Also Larsen's back was a bit less straightened [edit : nevermind I fixed that] and his arm, inversely, more straight in the old page and it gives a slightly different impression. Old page ? He's still relatively relaxed. New page ? It looks like it he puts more effort in pushing Zee away. Not sure that's better but I don't feel like changing it.

 Anyway, fuck all that, I ADDED FOAM IN THE CHOCOLATE. Best and most important change, it fixes the comic, I can stop remaking it now, there's no need, it's not gonna get any better. 




also, more zee tail!


The removal of the forced perspective on the last page, panel 6, had two positives for me: better focus on the characters and the speech bubble while giving Zee even cuter footsies. :D


Zee is so smiley. I love him


Oh, you're talking about page 31, though... was looking for the "footsies" in page 30, and didn't find any


I like the change in panel 4. The position of Larsen's hand and the portion of Zee's face visible, that is. Zee is now showing a "Yes, suuure!"-expression, while in the old panel it was a smirk, which looked abit evil to me and didn't fit, because Zee doesn't like Larsen crying. Oh, and the chocolaty foam! I need a cup of hot chocolate right now!


All hail the foam! I think the panel change for panels 1 and 2 was very smart as the reading is much more intuitive now. Again, these edits just show how much you've grown as an artist. i know it takes a lot of effort, but you make it look effortless, which just signifies how good you are at what you do.


Speaking of foam on hot chocolate, though... Larsen never drinks any of it, right? What a waste!