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Drop your requests in comments. I'm not saying I'll draw it but I might.



I personally think it'd be fun to see more monkeys XD ... (totally not biased) But honestly - I think just something like emotional headshot sketches of your various characters would be really interesting to see. I know you don't tend to post much stuff at the sketch level, but just easy little "how they ended up this way" snippets would be cool. Like as an example -> (1) I'm also curious how Larsen ended up with his outfit - did it start out in one piece and gradually fall apart? Or did he make those modifications himself? (2) What drove the scientist in Ortie? Did he have a normal job like at Black Mesa and just went off grid one day? (3) How's the dragon guy doing acclimating to the modern-age? Had he killed a toaster yet? Just fun little one-off gags. Kinda like the Zee & Larsen reacting to random people hugging.

The Orange Cow

Backstory/side story to Disintegrity or Ortie would be cool.


I think more monkey stuff would be cool. Something involving your monkey would be pretty sweet too!


Original characters are the best