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For 91  :

Old & new : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rqvbs0AhHkXSvBJQgKu35UspVeCur6CM?usp=sharing

Just new : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1axdXteUc7pbZZD6PljuDC7JINqTEkRoV?usp=sharing

I've remade 91 not too long ago so got nothing to say about that one, we're getting closer to the end nowadays. I'm doing the page and posting them closely... 

Now, onto 100 remade ! The changes should be fairly obvious even if the page remained largely the same but I'll give some thoughts anyway, cos writing will serve as my pause from drawing ! 

This was one of those pages I thought would necessitate too much work since it didn't look too bad ! I was wrong. And stupid. Now the fact that it looks mostly the same should speak to the quality of the original somewhat maybe but even then, all the characters were redrawn. It's not like they looked altogether bad but they were just not correct enough to keep.

On the first panel, they just were too skinny compared to other pages. So I had to redo them. Larsen was just not chesty enough.

On the second, it was harder to parse what was going on than necessary. So I had to redo it. I also added some black bars to tighten the focus even more and make it feel like Larsen's really letting Zee on a secret.

4th panel is almost identical but it's still fully redone. Altho nothing looks too different, the linework was too thick and it was just faster to redo it all than trying to trim down what was already there. Otherwise the only change in there is Zee's hair strand atop his floof which reflects his confusion and excitement better, which is a change I'm not sure I ever talked about before but I've been doing it for every page where it seemed relevant.

I wanted Zee's face on the last panel to highlight more emotions than the original wherein the big eyes implied his surprise at the turn of event and the red cheeks a bit of horny I suppose but that was about it. He still looked pretty calm. I wanted him to lose composure so his eyes go BLEGH and his face gets a lot redder, that plus some dynamic lines within the panel to really show that something's GOING DOWN. In fact, it goes so down that the panel itself is an arrow pointing down, which is the direction that Larsen's going. Go he's going down on Zee. It's subtle symbolism you see.

It's also one of those panels that highlight how cut back the shading. It just seems so unnecessarily somber in the old pages, but it also was part of the mood. I like the change, obviously, but it's a different vibe.

Anyway, I had hoped to post this page along with 101 but it's pretty clear that I won't be done with it tonight and rather than just posting the HD for 91, I might as well just show the one that's already done... So tomorrow it is for 101. Get moderately hyped.



Diego P

They are so cute!

Daddy Bearcat

So did Larsen drop a contact lens or something in the last panel? I don't understand... ;p


> Zee's hair strand atop his floof which reflects his confusion and excitement better oh that's kinda brilliant


I have to say this comic remake is amazing.


Look at the next panel: Larsen is aiming for Zee's dick. With his tongue and mouth.


Of course I see that the old and new page are different, and when I flip back and forth between the versions, I even catch some details (aren't I observant!). But I'd never - probably - would have been able to put my finger on things that change the mood and athmosphere very subtlely. Of course there is this untangling of lines (like in the 3rd panel), with which I am able now to visually understand the picture. But that hair strand of Zee's or even that rather obvious downward-arrow I think I wouldn't have been aware of if it wasn't explained and pointed out. Therefore thank you for the remake, which looks great, and also for those broad explanations, which might not have been easy to write at nearly midnight.


Gotta say I love Larsen and Zee's upgraded body musculature. I think it's partially or mostly you just improving as an artist, but the boys just make me so much more thirsty than they used to.


My sleep schedule is a mess so midnight doesn't seem quite that late to me anymore...


That's the point of the remake, to improve the thirst so I'm glad it's working !


It feels rather intuitive, so intuitive that it's very likely that I never spoke about it before cos it just seems so obvious... And yet I hadn't done it in the old comic...