Disintegrity 96 HD (Patreon)
Just the new ones : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1axdXteUc7pbZZD6PljuDC7JINqTEkRoV?usp=sharing
The comparison folder : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rqvbs0AhHkXSvBJQgKu35UspVeCur6CM?usp=sharing
Not much to be said, it's not even the most captivating pages to have in HD Im' sure buuuuut they have to come out. 96 was probably the easiest page to redo altogether.
In other half relevant news, Larsen humping Roussel won the poll !
In other not relevant news, I tweaked the cover of Bromance Done a bit but it's not so meaningful I bother to link to it and I'll have a new page for it probably tomorrow !
I guess that's it