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And with that, another comic done.


b23 by vonboche-da9m9xr



One of these days I might have to get a collection of your works actually bound for a shelf. Certainly a conversation starter if nothing else. And the smile at the end ... really makes the story


see if you can sell your comics on hardblush, baddogbooks, or even on your own site. do them all up in pdf and sell full copies. i really want you to make more money off your amazing work and get it out there!


Given all the comics are already freely available, there wouldn't be any point in selling pdf online. I very much doubt it would attract anyone anyway.


The comics weren't really designed to be printed, I have no idea what it would take to adapt them but chances are that wouldn't be worth it. I don't want to put in a lot of work into something that results in merely two copies sold, that just sounds like suicide fuel.