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Winner takes all and Link is a winner. So he gotta take it all. I wonder if it's understandable enough that he is taking both weens, I wasn't too sure how to highlight it so I just added a side panel...

Also this was february's voted pic soooo I'm late for this. I thought I would only be a day late but it took me even longer than that...




two dicks for the price of sidon! ehhhhh there's some sort of joke in there... maybe two jokes in there, much like the two dicks in link?


With the delay of BOTW 2, you're definitely help fill the Link void in my life. There's been a lot of Link/Sidon lately, and I'm totally OK with it.

Daddy Bearcat

Poor Link is going to be like a deflated balloon when that Sidon sandwich is removed... Yowza!


the file is missing the "png" extension.