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This was the vibe it gave off lol.

Which version do you like better? Honestly, I started off with the underwear one and added the clothes later in case it gets flagged as inappropriate whenever I post it but I kind of like the clothes one a bit better maybe? Might just be because of the color of her sweater and bow contrasting nicely with the background. I feel like you guys will like the underwear one better though for obvious reasons lol.

Next up: Aki-Chan!! I've been neglecting her so I need to give her some love and attention!



Densetsu Meru

I mean both are fine. A naked version would be good too buuuuut... lol.


I mean, I’m always going to say I prefer the underwear version because I love anything involving underwear

Haru Sakurai

The second one, but yeah, that episode is super super controversial since it’s basically an SA attempt. The dumb thing is, as a manga reader, and I’m not even all caught up, is that people forgave one of these guys that went rogue, even though in the same arc he tried SAing her and would have succeeded if they didn’t get interrupted.


thanks for your input! I haven't read the manga so I didn't know any of that but Ya it was definitely rape-y. even more concerning that that is their only way of procreating so there must be thousands or millions of victims. but okarun saved her so she avoided that fate thankfully!


Yeah, the second one is better, but the color contrast with her sweater and bow totally makes sense. I hope we’re all emotionally recovering from the latest episode. More Aki art! Curious what it’s gonna be about. ^_^


I knew everyone would like the second one better lol. and I think you guys will like it!! it will be sexy but also cute and funny! (and thanksgiving themed lol)