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As Heads Roll In Streets Of France, Jews Finally Greenlight Crackdown On Their Muslim 'Golems' | Christians for Truth

For years, Jews in France have heavily promoted diversity and the mass immigration of Muslims into France in order to undermine and destroy its White Christian identity, but now that their Muslim 'golems' are beginning to literally behead French people in the streets, the notoriously cowardly Jews are now encouraging the French government to crackdown [...]


Zsa Zsa Rambeau

Yep! So much for the "Abraham Accord "...them jews ain't loyal

cedrick stampley

I read up on this a little bit and it looks like France wants their citizens to be good little Patriots. They are pulling money from religious groups that won't teach the way they want and are trying to stop homeschooling because they can't control the narrative that's being taught in the homes. Seems like some "Jews" support it and some don't because they understand that they could be troubled by the policies too. This looks like something out of the good ole USA's handbook and I wouldn't be surprised if it came to a city near me next.

Sister Selah

That's what they get. They should have read the scriptures.