Notes for show: Yes, it is a chief expression of the 2nd commandment, IMHO. Matt 22:36-39; Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18 Pure and undefiled religion is this... James 1:27 People talk about human rights. God has rights. He told us to be fruitful and multiply. Your Tribe in Israel has rights. You are to keep the Tribe going strong and full of the knowledge of Torah, ready to make war against Amalek and defend themselves. The stranger and poor has rights to the corners of your field. Lev. 19:9 The land has a right to rest on the Shemita. Your animals have a right to rest on Shabbat. The Widow and the Orphan in your midst have God-given rights as well. I believe that a righteous widow or abandoned woman has the right in Torah to seek covering in a Torah man's house in the same manner the poor has the right to harvest the corner of your field. In this view, one could argue that to deny that right, when sought, would be a great unrighteousness. Ruth, esp 3 & 4 Is it convenient? No. Not always convenient to let the land and animals rest. Not always convenient to let the corners of the field and the gleaning be left for strangers and poor. We are stewards of His resources. We've been charged with managing His dispensation of those resources to ourselves, our families, and to everyone else He has alloted them. We cannot hold back the corner of the field from the poor. It never belonged to us. It belongs to Him and He assigned it to them. We are only the stewards. Thus, if He has given us the resource to care for a woman who has no covering, she is a Torah woman, and she is seeking that covering, I would argue that it fits perfectly with "loving thy neighbor as thyself". Another thought on the similarity of concepts between the corners of your field and the needy of your land. What if your woman doesn't want to share "her" husband? It is interesting to me that Boaz shared the corners of his field with Ruth and then, when she sought covering at night, he covered her with the corners of his prayer shawl. Are the corners of a man's tallit as the corners of his field? To give provision and covering to those righteous in the land who have none? Sure, just a coincidence, ya might say. Nothing significant there at all... No, I don't think anything in Scripture is just a funny coincidence. I think there is a correlation of concepts therein. How often Yeshua wanted to gather us under His wings, but our people were unwilling. Matth. 23:37 Does your woman have the right to the corners of your tallit any more than to the corners of your field? Does she understand that? Do you? Related Links: https://natsab.com/ https://113restoration.com/ Biblical Marriage resource page: https://natsab.com/biblical-marriage/ https://www.academia.edu/98761947/Jesus_Perspective_on_Polygyny https://www.academia.edu/42235879/Paul_s_Perspective_on_Polygyny Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ParlewithPeteRambo In depth and sensitive discussions and posts at: https://www.patreon.com/ParlewithPeteRambo Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B01N29G3HP/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=b871505e-5259-478c-8a29-3cba85d68d71&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr Swag: https://www.zazzle.com/store/natsab https://www.zazzle.com/store/polygyny Connect: https://rumble.com/user/PeteRambo Telegram: @PeteRambo mewe.com/i/peterambo