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Almost forgot about it being TimeLapse Tuesday! Only a couple weeks in to this new weekly perk and already slipping. Sorry about that.

Since it's now after dusk and I recently shared this nighttime drawing of Ms Marvel on Xwitter, thought it would be a good one for today. No lengthy commentary on it, other than I really enjoy noodling away at buildings and cityscapes like this. Just wish they didn't take so long. Hopefully once I get my current graphic novel finished I can get back to some of it again.

I was reminded of this drawing because one of our cats escaped out of the house last week. It's happened before (a lot) but this time we didn't even know about it before our neighbor told us. Here's a couple pics of him pretending to be Tom Cruise.

His name is Neptune. I like sharing these pics with students during my author visits and say that's where he's trying to get back to.

Anyhoo, we finally purchased an AirTag collar for him. No actual AirTag yet, but one thing at a time.

Have a catastic evening!




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