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Hi all! I'm back! SAFE and sound. Just got power and cellular back a few hours ago.

I've lived half my life in or near Tampa, and Milton was definitely the hardest (and scarier) of all the hurricanes I've now lost count of that have almost hit us--this one just grazing south of us yet again. I took this screenshot from my satellite app about an hour and a half after it made landfall. The blue dot is where we are in Land O Lakes.

We lost power shortly after I took this. Due to being on the northern part of Milton, the wind and rain were so massive we had water seeping into our garage from the floor AND walls, I'm assuming just because it had nowhere else to go. The better part of our Wednesday night was keeping that checked with limited light while it howled outside. After that, woke up Thursday morning to only some missing screens and damage to our patio.

So, while we still have to assess the garage damage, this is really not that bad! None of my family or neighbors were hurt which I'm incredibly thankful for. A lot of folks in surrounding counties had it much worse and my heart pours out for those who took on even more of a direct hit. Our neighborhood is the best though, everyone pooling together to help clean up all the debris on the street, grilling breakfasts on our driveways and heating up coffee. These types of events are awful, don't get me wrong, but the bright side is how they can simultaneously bring people together with amazing works of kindness.

Also, anticipating this powerless turn of events, I actually worked ahead and was able to ink and watercolor a few SuperBatobers while we had daylight. Although it was getting increasingly hot in our home and was seriously about two minutes away from packing up my art supplies and heading to somewhere with AC before the power finally flickered back on.

And now that I am back online, I should be able to get back to a day-before schedule on here by Monday. I'm sure this information is not nearly as important as the latter to some of you, but these SuperBatober pieces have been a decent distraction from all the horribleness so I was more than happy to keep working on them.

Anyways, Kara here is my two boys the past couple days. Out of school and munching upon our entire stockpile of hurricane food. Only none of the healthy stuff.

More soon!





Glad y'all are safe!

Wendi Hamilton

So glad to hear you and your family are safe!


Glad to hear you and your family are safe!!


Glad to see you’re safe! Hard to believe I used to live around that area years ago before moving up to New York.

Kevin K

Glad to hear you made it through alright!

Scott Slemmons

Glad to hear y'all got through all that safely!

Tim Price

God bless the resilience of childhood. So glad you're all ok!

Carlo Adinata

Awesome news! Glad that u and yours are safe, Mike!


Very happy to hear you and your family are safe, and that you got through it with minimal damage.

Miy Eterp

Glad ya alright


Happy you're all safe!

Gene Cahill

Woo hoo for safe and sound!!!!!


Glad you're safe and the house survived!

Kin Wong

Glad to hear you and your family made it through safe and sound! I've fallen behind with everything this month, so I'm just catching up on your SuperBatober posts and especially glad to hear you're all doing okay after the storm.

Bill Bleuel

Glad to know you're safe.

Craig M. Hinch

The former information is more important than the latter. Your safety is what matters most to your fans!