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For the record, I want everyone to know that Babs took out that robot all on her own. Kara and Streaky just saw their friend finishing up and came over for a nice sit.

Pretty happy with the way this one turned out. With 31 consecutive pieces this month, I realize they can't all be winners. But if there's at least five to seven of them I can look back at and still be proud of, that to me is a job well done.




Sean Daugherty

I'm no artist myself so I know I'm very probably judging on a different scale than you are, but for what it's worth I've loved all 13 pictures you've done so far this month. That said, the colors in this one are particularly lovely.

Shane Simek

Every day I want to comment and feel like I have nothing better to say then, Love it, So Fun, or something like that. This one is just so perfect and works for me on every way! And your backstory that this was all Babs and Kara just stopped to help celebrate, couldn't be any better!

Gene Cahill

Just beautiful, Mike!!!!


A wonderful quiet moment of peace after a battle. Well done.

Casey Storm Northern

My dumbass spent more than a second wondering what the V stood for before realizing it’s very obviously an L.

Mike Maihack

No, it totally looks like a V the way I placed it on there. Dang Vicki Vale and her destructive reporter bots!

Mike Maihack

Awe thanks! I DO like them all. I wouldn't share them otherwise. Just some come out more akin to what's in my head than others. 🙂

Miy Eterp

Pretty great!

Craig M. Hinch

Everything piece of your art is a winner!