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A bit of homework for Supergirl, which is totally what I should be giving my two boys right now. They're still off school due a lack of fuel and some flooding in our area; the screaming sounds of "high-stakes" video game playing echoing up the stairway and into my studio.

Anyhoo, snapped a detail of Kara's stack of required reading.

I need to catch up. I've only read a couple of these!




Shane Simek

Kara will get thru them super fast!

Wendi Hamilton

Start with Throne of Glass, Kara! 😂

Tim Price

Oh, I see that CiS easter egg! ❤


I love this so much, one of the books has to be about cat care I'm sure.

Michael Anino

Does the book she's currently reading start with a page that's blank expect for "Harmless"? And then the next page is blank expect for "Mostly Harmless". And then the editors calmed down a bit.

Miy Eterp

Amazing art of Kara but did I see a book about Cleopatra? 👀 Totally reference to ya work. 😏

Kin Wong

Kara clearly needs to read "Slowing Down" since she went so fast she made Mike sign it from the future 😄

Mike Maihack

Oh! Haha. I can't believe I did that! Fatigue is clearly setting in. Thankfully an easy acrylic fix.

Mike Maihack

I feel she does pretty good already in that respect! Granted, HER cat is mostly invulnerable...

Wendi Hamilton

Oh Babs would totally love it! I think she and Kara would have awesome book club discussions 📚❤️