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Man, Inktober. "Journal" prompt two days after "Guidebook"? I might rethink using the official prompts next year if this keeps up. But I'm making it work! And look! Even got a tiny cameo in this one. :)

I think this might be the first world bubble to show up this month (aside from some question and exclamation marks). Still no dialog though! Finding creative ways around that can sometimes be part of the fun. Have I mentioned that I'm having fun with these?

Anyhoo, here's a close-up of a couple of booties.




Kevin K

Love this one! So dang cute.

Sean Daugherty

Aww. Embarrassed Batgirl is adorable.

Shane Simek

You got maximum cuteness out of this one! So much going on for one "panel"!


Sorry Babs, but Nightwing's GF is Starfire...

Miy Eterp

Hmm great, but Babara Gordan should know Nightwing's sweetheart is Starfire.


Babs moved on from Batman I guess. Kara knows not to look for a Nightwing shirt under there.

Gene Cahill

This is ridiculously cute :)