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Happy TimeLapse Tuesday, my friends!

I had a request last week to share the timelapse pencils for GRUNGY, the 16th prompt from this past month. I'm showing the full non-speeded-up version so you can see all the little struggles and decisions I made. The video is about seven-minutes long so if you end up watching it all, I once again recommend some music. Both this song and this song would make good choices. 🙂


This is honestly my favorite one of these that I've drawn this month (so far). Mostly, because it came out close to how I envisioned as well as that I can still look at it without wanting to redraw all sorts of stuff. Not to mention Babs is wearing a shirt of one of my favorite bands.

That shirt was maybe the biggest hurdle though. I wanted to use that "Alive" guy (Or Stickman), because it's such an iconic Peal Jam thing (if you're a Gen-Xer like me), but it's JUST a stick guy. There's no shape to him which makes it really tough to look interesting on a simple drawing like this. It's also usually on a black shirt and I needed her shirt to look, well...grungy. That would have also been difficult to show. So, if you make it till the end of the timelapse, you'll see me trying out some different bands like Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. Yet, I stubbornly really wanted that PJ Alive guy!

Finally I decided, "You know what? I'll just put him on a white shirt anyways and write 'PEARL JAM' above it to give it some shape. Kids these days probably won't even know it's a Pearl Jam reference otherwise." And judging by how many folks didn't even catch the Weezer easter egg, I think I made the right call. 😅

Her Batcycle surprisingly came about without too much struggle. I think only because I purposefully took my time with it. The hardest part with drawing bikes (at least for me) is keeping the perspective right, and I did need to adjust it at one point. I then realized the bike was now next to Babs (not in front) so I needed to change the position of her head. I like it much better this way though so it was a welcome change.

I replied to a comment that I'm considering keeping this one for myself. I don't think I will but also, if it doesn't sell, I don't think I would be that upset. 🙂





There’s no chance that doesn’t sell, Mike. Just sayin’

Miy Eterp

Ok got it, anyways great work 😁


That was great! I love the evolution of the t-shirt and the various bat-motif's on the motorcycle. And the action figures! When you go from the finished sketch to the watercolors, do you just freehand it or project the sketch onto the paper or something else?

Mike Maihack

Thanks! I print these "pencils" out verrrrry light on the actual paper and ink over them like i would normal pencils--only with the added benefit of no graphite smudging everything up. :)


This is awesome, thanks for posting!