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Hey there, Scarecrow! Sorry, but I'm afraid your tactics don't work quite as well during Halloweentime. At least for those with a super sweet tooth.

We're down to the final week of these if you can believe it! There was a point in the middle of the month when I actually did have some fear I'd be able to get all of these done. Now that I've reached this threshold, it feels much less daunting. Not to mention, I'm overall pretty happy with what the ones I've gotten done so far. Let's see if I can't maintain that postive vibe during this final stretch.




Sean Daugherty

Kara's Halloween costume is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Miy Eterp

Noice work 😀, like Kara's costume design 😊

Casey Storm Northern

This is so charming. I love all of Kara’s costumes so much


Noice... I wonder if Crane's fear gas works on Kryptonian biochemistry?


You’ve been doing an amazing job with all these. I just hope it hasn’t interfered with your work on the new GN too much.

Tim Price

Between Rhino and now Scarecrow, supervillains just don't intimidate Kara. :)

Mike Maihack

I won't lie, they have a little bit, but they've been fun distractions. Hopefully I can get caught up next month. :)