A little comic about my literary agent (Patreon)
A couple of weeks ago, my literary agent was selected as The Beat's Person of the Year. And it couldn't be more well-deserved! The amount of behind-the-scenes work Judy has done--and continues to do--for so many graphic novelists has only benefitted the comic industry as a whole. And on a personal level, I wouldn't have the career I have making comics without her (there certainly wouldn't have been six Cleopatra in Space books and a tv show without her quick tenacity).
Anyhoo, a few years back, a lot of her clients got together and surprised her with a book of thank you notes and artwork for her birthday. I never shared the above comic I drew for the book and figured this was a great time and place to do so! I went back and found some work-in-progress pics to share here for you as well. :)