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All the girls who were in the survey make me want to do them haha ​​but I had to have one chosen to continue, I'm glad it was Roxy, taking advantage of the current boom and her simple and cute design, I had to make a good illustration for her 🗿🚬

Todas las chicas que estuvieron en la encuesta me dan ganas de hacerlas ajaj pero habia que tener una elegida para seguir, me alegra que haya sido Roxy, aprovechando el bum de ahora y su diseño tan simple y lindo tocaba hacerle una buena ilustración 🗿🚬




I know I say "can't wait" in all my replies but CAN'T WAIT! She's the perfect character for your style of art.


I really want to work on it, let's see what ends up emerging, I feel that it is a quite entertaining design that even taking it out of its common suit can be more interesting 🗿💜


I feel like I've discovered you at a perfect time in your artwork. For me it's like discovering the Beatles for the first time