"Honey, We Need To Talk." (Nice, Dom, Active) (Patreon)
You arrive home from work to find your wife sitting on the couch waiting for you. Sitting beside her is a strange woman you have never seen before. She is dressed in clown makeup, with a mask of white facepaint and a red clown nose. Her bright blue hair is in pigtails, and she is dressed in a bright blue cheerleader's outfit. She sits and smiles at you as your wife speaks. Despite your visitor's silly appearance, your wife speaks in a completely serious, earnest tone.
"Honey, please, come sit down. We need to talk about our relationship."
Ooh. Nothing good ever starts like that. Despite all the questions crowding into your mind, you find yourself taking a seat on the couch beside your wife in dead silence. There is a heaviness in the air, like an invisible, warm blanket. It makes it hard to think. The clown continues to smile eerily as she places her hands on your wife's shoulders.
"Now, I know what you're thinking, but honestly, you're not in trouble. I'd like you to meet Bubbles. Bubbles has been visiting me several times a week for the past few months. I know that based on her appearance, it might be hard to take her seriously. I know I did at first. Her first few visits were a little unpleasant, to be honest. I mean, the first time I met her, I was lying in bed in the middle of the night. I think I would have been pretty frightened if I hadn't thought the whole thing was a dream. Anyway, she started showing up, seemingly out of nowhere, and she would start talking to me, usually about you. What she had to say seemed rather strange at first, but as she explained things to me and I started to really pay attention, I found that she's actually quite a logical thinker and a very eloquent speaker. We gradually became friends, and I've found her advice very helpful. She really knows how to explain things to me in a way that really makes them make sense. She's been helping me a lot with my career, with my anxiety, my depression. She makes my therapist look like a joke, to be honest. She's really helped me explore my needs and interests, and make sense of the way I view myself and the world around me...and I think it's time I shared with you some of the ideas she's been discussing with me."
"I've noticed a very...disturbing pattern in our relationship, sweetie. It's happened so gradually, that we really only seem to notice when we look back at how things used to be. We used to have so much fun together. For that matter, we used to spend so much time together. Now, our careers have both taken off, and it feel like every moment we spend together has to be rationed. We spend so much time discussing our finances and arguing over petty little things, that we so rarely have time for fun or intimacy. When one of our birthdays or our anniversary or Valentine's rolls around, it feels like we both have so little energy left and so many worries that...well, it all starts to feel like a performance instead of a real expression of how we feel about each other. As much as it hurts me to realize it, I feel a barrier has grown between us, and neither of us seems to know how to break through it. If things are allowed to continue as they have, I think we might just...drift apart."
"So, Bubbles has helped me to develop a plan to set things right. I know these ideas might seem radical to you at first. Honestly, when Bubbles first recommended them to me, I thought she was out of her mind. So, before you start picking apart every little thing I say, I really want you to explore the idea and consider how it would benefit both of us, both emotionally and spiritually. Trust me, I've thought a lot about each and every concept I'm introducing here, and I assure you, I do have both the means and the intention to implement each of these plans."
"This...isn't easy for me to say out loud, and it might not be easy for you to hear, but please, I want you to listen and really consider what I have to say. What I'd really like is for you to accept a more...dependent, sort of...subordinate role in our relationship, if that makes sense. Instead of viewing me as your partner, I'd like to try to see me as a...caregiver. An authority figure...more like a nanny or a babysitter. Now, understand that this will mean sacrificing some of the privileges and freedoms that you've become accustomed to. You won't have much of a private life, or any control over your finances, everything you do will be monitored by me, and I'll have the final say in how you dress and what you eat and similar. I'm sure it seems like a lot to take in right now, and that's why I want to introduce these changes in gradual stages, to help you adjust and feel comfortable as we shift our stances in this relationship. I'm aware that having me...well, take charge of you...will be a serious challenge to your self-image. It conflicts quite a bit with a lot of the values and ideas that you've learned to embrace, especially your independence and sense of privacy. We'll just adjust things one step at a time, so that you can learn to adapt your behaviors and expectations to handle your new role."
"First off, I think it would be best if you started having...little accidents in your pants. Not all the time...not at first, anyway. I think we should sort of ease into it. I'd like you to, every now and then, let a little pee into your underwear, just enough to give you a little wet spot on your crotch. Now, I know that normally, if something like that were to happen, you would simply get yourself changed and probably just wait to do an extra load of laundry when no one is around. But I'd like you to try something a little different from now on. Something that I think would be a very welcome change for both of us."
"I'd like you to...come to me in your wet pants. I know it'll be pretty embarrassing for you at first, but I really promise that I won't laugh or poke fun at you at all. Seriously, sweetie. The first thing I'll do, every single time, is give you a big hug. I'll press myself against you, no matter how soggy you are, and pat you on your back...or...maybe on your rear? We'll work it out. Anyway, I'll really do my best to comfort you and reassure you. I'll smile every single time and tell you how cute and wonderful you are, and how good you are for peeing in your pants."
"Yes, good. It's important that we get you used to that idea, because I know it really flies in the face of how you're used to thinking. But, honey...I really want that. Very badly. I'll be so grateful every single time you come to me in your wet pants. It would mean so much to me, and I'll really go out of my way to encourage you to do it more often. I'll hug you, and comfort you, and give you a great big kiss, and then we'll go get you changed together. I'll take off your wet pants and soggy underwear, and put some nice dry ones on you, and then clean up whatever mess you have made. I know you're used to handling things yourself, but I really want you to try and learn to just relax and let me take care of things for you. It's very important that we gradually adjust how we relate to each other as a couple, and your pants accidents will be a good way to help us do that. Eventually, you'll have gotten yourself used to it enough that you'll look forward to having accidents, and you'll find yourself wetting your pants more and more often, almost every day. When we get to that stage, that's when I'll introduce the training pants."
"I know, I know. That seems kind of extreme right now. We're just going over things now so that you understand the trajectory that our relationship needs to be on. Once we have you coming to me in your wet pants to be changed at least most days, maybe even twice a day sometimes, the training pants will make a lot more sense to you. I've already found some great suppliers online, and we can pick out some cute designs together. Once you're in training pants, it'll be a lot more convenient to step up your wetting schedule, since it won't have to involve washing any laundry, and you can do it out in public or when we have company."
"That will be a good time for you to...well, start distancing yourself from the more public aspects of your life...such as working. Yes, that's a big step, and I'm not asking you to do it immediately or all at once, but I am going to have insist that you start moving in that direction. Don't worry, Bubbles and I have already discussed our financial situation at length, and she has some brilliant ideas to help us out...but I digress. You shouldn't have to deal with the burden of thinking in terms of money anymore. Suffice to say, I'm ready to take over that side of our situation.The part I need you to handle is the gradual phasing out of your career. Start by taking some vacation time, then see about reducing your hours, and eventually you'll be ready to cut ties with that aspect of your life altogether. I recognize that right now, you tend to see working and providing value to others as an essential part of your dignity and self-worth, and it will take some time to adjust your thinking on that. You need to learn that you can be loved, cherished, and adored just for being, without any need to work or deal with money. I need you to really work at adjusting how you see yourself, and the kind of value that you provide as person. I want you to start spending a lot more time at home, with me."
"We'll fill in your time with lots of fun, relaxing activities. You'll get to watch a lot more television, for example. Not an unlimited amount, mind you. I will place limits on your screen time. But still, far more than you're used to. I will be in control of what you view, and I'll be sure to keep you entertained in ways I deem to be appropriate for you. Nothing too complex or challenging, nothing very intense. No news, nothing educational. Lots of cartoons, lots of Disney stuff, silly comedies, that kind of thing. I know it's not what you're used to, but it's all part of adjusting your mindset. I don't want you to have to think too hard, or keep track of anything complicated. I want you to learn to just relax, enjoy yourself, and let me take care of you and indulge you."
"I'll make sure you have plenty of nice things to eat, lots of cake and freshly-baked pies and cookies and big bowls of icecream. I'll get you some nice stuffed animals to cuddle with. Your clothing will be chosen by me, and that will mean a big emphasis on bright colors and cozy pajamas to keep you nice and comfy. I want you to be surrounded by sweetness and softness all the time. That includes how we interact physically. I want the two of us to be in close contact far more often than we have been. I'll set aside time, several times a day, specifically for us to cuddle and snuggle and fondle each other. I think we'll both find that very enjoyable, and I want you to really go all out with it. During our special cuddle-time, you'll be allowed play with my breasts and juggle my butt cheeks to your heart's content, and grab me all over to your heart's content, and I'll be blow on your belly and rain kisses all over you. I want to completely destroy the barriers that have grown up between us, pumpkin. I want you to really accept, mentally and emotionally, that my body is for your enjoyment, and that yours is for mine. I want to do whatever is necessary to make you feel happy, and satisfied, and comfortable."
"Once you start to really get used to this new, more indulgent, more dependent kind of lifestyle, I think we'll be ready to make the transition to monitored restroom use. Essentially, I'll start overseeing all your activities in the bathroom. When we reach that stage, you won't be allowed to be in the bathroom when I'm not around. Whenever you need to do anything in there, whatever it is, you'll need to come and ask my permission, and I'll take you by the arm and walk you over there. As time goes on, I'll go from merely observing what you do, to telling you what you need to be doing and how, and eventually simply doing what needs to be done without any effort on your part at all. Again, it will probably all be really embarrassing at first, especially when you have to take a bath or do your business in the potty, but I promise to be very encouraging and supportive every step of the way. I'll tell you over and over how adorable and good you're being, as I gradually take over more and more of your personal care routine. That will include washing you, and brushing your teeth, and wiping you after you use the potty."
"Yah, I can tell that idea bothers you, but I want you to understand that I'm willing to do my very best to make this as fun and pleasant for you as I possibly can. It might seem a little odd that I would even be willing to do that for you, but please believe me when I say that I'm really looking forward to it. Having me be responsible for keeping your behind nice and clean will take some getting used to, but once it becomes a normal part of our routine, I think you'll start to appreciate how wonderful it can be. It's really a whole new level of intimacy, and I think it will really allow us to become so much closer. I'll do my very best to wipe you very gently and very thoroughly, and I'll make sure to tell you how proud I am of you and how happy you've made me every single time I do it. Eventually, as you come to associate being wiped with being loved, cared for, and accepted completely, we'll finally be able to move on to the final face of this transition."
"Oh? No ideas what I'm getting at? I think you do, though. I think, by this point, you have a very good idea of where the natural evolution of our dynamic will take you. I think you probably have a pretty solid vision in your mind of the wonderful form that our relationship will take. As much as the idea might feel a little foreign to you at this point, I think it will feel very obvious and natural when we finally get there. So much so, that I want you to be the one to make the actual decision to take that final step."
"I'll drop hints, and lay the groundwork, of course. One day you might notice that your training pants are starting to run low, and the next, you might happen to notice a cute, puffy little package in the closet, or maybe a big case in the garage that you don't remember seeing before. But I won't actually say anything. I want it to be you that chooses to step across across that final barrier. It'll probably feel a little scary by then to be making a decision for yourself, but it will basically be the last one you ever have to make. I don't think it'll feel like any sort of dramatic shift by that time, honey. It'll just feel natural, and obvious, that that's how things ought to be. But you'll still have to ask. You'll waddle up to me one day, in a soggy pair of training pants, look down at your feet with a big blush in your cheeks, and admit that you're finished with the potty for good, and that you're ready for what comes next. That will be a very happy day for both of us. We'll celebrate it every year afterward, just like our anniversary."
"Now, what I'd really like right now, to get this whole process started, is for you to signal to me that you accept what I've told you, and that you're ready to start moving in that direction. You don't have to say a word, sweetie. In fact, I think it would be more meaningful if we don't even talk about this plan at all in the coming months. Just relax, take a deep breath, and let out a little bit of pee out for me. It would make me so happy to just see a little dark patch spread through your pants. Can you do that for me honey? Please?"