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Hi guys. Here's the cover art for the issue 3 of Bruce & Clark. It'll be used as the cover for the coming PDF. (Just wanna share it with you guys before I release the PDF) XD

Bruce & Clark 3 was already posted as a vertical comic strips (in webtoon style) before, and now I'm working on transforming it into the traditional comic book pages (as you can see in the sample page here). Not only it will inclue all the panels, I'll add more panels and even an extra scene in this new version. In the vertical strips version, Bruce and Nolan were interrupted by Alfred, and we didn't really get to see them having sex. In the coming new version (PDF), I'll delay the appearance of Alfred, so it'll allow our two superheroes to have more sexy times. XD

The next issue (issue 4) will be focus on Joker's sadic game and rescue Clark mission. Once again, I wanna thank you for being patient with me, cause I'm really taking my time with this one to make sure I'll deliver the best comics I can create. XD




£42.50 per month is too much money for me. It's alot money for a comic. I back alot of comics on Kickstarter. Wish there was a way your fans could order the completed comic on website.


You should re-release the previous issues that were expired!