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We're lost in the parking place after our grocery shopping. I feel this happens way too often than it should be. Note: I should pay more attention to our parking spot the next time. XD



Danny Provencio

Need a more distinctive car when you guys can afford it one day. A lovely convertible for you hunks. In the mean time, am sure there must be an app for that. Find my car? Lol


You can use your Google maps to put a mark on your parking spot lol


Story of my life


Story of me too.. And my bf always agry coz i forgot sometimes..

William Deutsch

If everyday life went smoothly, you'd be bored :)

Andrew King

There's an app that can help you with that actually

David Proby

This happened to me a few times in a big ass parking lot during the holiday season. So the struggle is real with this one haha


I don't own a car. I walk 2 blocks to my grocery store. Good exercise. Lol


it's been a while no story about your cat. 😅😅.. it's just come across my mind yesterday.. 😆😆


The easier way is to take a picture of your car with some prominent landmark...?


It's so true 😂

Tim Clements-Levin

Most key fobs have a "panic" button you can push which flashes he headlights and honks the horn. Many flash the lights and beep when you lock/unlock the doors. Those can help you find it.


You should certainly pay more attention to the right brand's car you're buying 😘

Susy F.

love your t-shirts!

David Lilly

I have an app on my phone and as long g as I park the car and use the app I know ow where the car is otherwise I am totally lost a driver can never remember where it is lol


I usually have a pretty good sense of direction and I can remember where the car is lol. My bf....not so much lol