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They need to put a bigger sign next to iPhone 8 in the store. I mean, how are we gonna be able to know it's an iPhone 8 by simply looking at it. It looks almost identical to iPhone 7. XD



Dennis Dela Cruz

Lol for Joe's confused child like face. 😘😘😘


Ahahhaha I laugh so hard in class

Danny Provencio

Hardly any difference. Ugh! The exorbitant price tag and the glitches have not worked out. Only camera improved. Wait and see before you fork out more money for it.


The change I want the most from Apple devices is the price. XD XD

Hoho Chan

But, but, but I thought the back of the phone ( the casing ) is made of glass as well ... so in theory it should feel different than iPhone 7 ...

Hoho Chan

Change in price =/= lower price ... I don't think ...


True. But from the front, it's really hard to tell the difference. XD


I feel that it's not going to happen soon unfortunately. XD

Fendy Leotanto

Adorable face when joe embarrassed 😆😆. The home button on the iphone 8 just like the older iphone before 7.


Thank you, Fendy. From the outside, it's really hard to tell the small changes they made for iPhone 8. XD

David Proby

Literally Jack and I been looking at getting the iPhone 8 plus. I've had Samsung galaxy for the last few years simply because I'm so clumsy with phones. But Jack convinced me to get the iPhone 8 plus. We think its better priced than spending a thousand dollars maybe a little more for the X. Still expensive though, but we have phone plans though


Objectively the ecosystem of Apple's iPhone is better than Android's, I feel. I think you will have a lot of fun with iPhone 8. That's still a lot of money on a phone, but at least it will last. I have no love for Samsung's products after a terrible experience with their customer service here in France, so have fun with IP 8. XD