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I love kissing my babe. We kiss like a thousand times per day. So he can really use this to force me into teeth brushing. XD




i know that too ><d are="" easy="" lol="" manipulate="" to="" too="" way="" we=""></d>


Any NSFW in one month. Why pay in Patreon if I can see the same on instagram for free?

C. B.

Hehehehe. I know what you mean, when you’re tired you don’t want to. But it is important!!

Steven Brown

Aww I love this one hahaha I know the feeling all too well!

William Deutsch

It’s the small gestures that shows your & Joes love for each other 😍😍

Rood Inverse

Tell him, Joe! Stinky breath is not sexy! 😁


You are like a small kid😁😁


How are his teeth looking lately if he's such a stickler for brushing? I love your Sailor Moon shirts by the by. One of my favorite shows back then.

Kameron Ko

This is too funny! I make my man brush his teeth before any kissing happens as well.