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Act 3 of my vertical comics "Pure Heart". As the title indicated, it's probably my purest comics so far. But how long will that last? 😈



Chad M Forshee [ReivaxLEGO] (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-17 23:23:02 I’m really loving this story. It feels very much like a lot of my art friends from college.
2023-09-17 23:23:02 I’m really loving this story. It feels very much like a lot of my art friends from college.
2023-08-05 08:59:48 I’m really loving this story. It feels very much like a lot of my art friends from college.

I’m really loving this story. It feels very much like a lot of my art friends from college.


I am not sure why, but image 17 can't open on desktop