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Fourth release of the month, the Knights Angelic Retaliators!

Presupported and features various interchangeable parts, HeavyBoltRifle with its Backpack and Ammo, PlasmaCannon with its Backpack and Tube, HeavyMeltRifle with its Backpack and Tube, MissileLauncher with its Backpack and RoboArm, LaserCannon with its Backpack and Tubes, Arm holding Missle, Arm empty, 5 Torsos, 8 Helms, 3 Pauldrons, 3 Leg poses and 32mm base.

NOTE: Mirror legs in your printing program for extra poses and arms/pauldrons to get left/right ones as needed.




Joseph Yunecko

Love em. They look great. Different art style but that's a good thing. I enjoy that you're trying new styles.

Tom Blue

Hehe glad to hear you say that. I like the style we've got going, but it's fun to experiment a little here and there:)

mike adams

Hello. Don’t know if I’m being a bit thick, but… How and where do I buy the welcome pack? Thanks!

mike adams

And what is MMF? 8)

Tom Blue

Hi! The welcome pack is already available to all subscribers:) It's on the first post of our patreon page.

Tom Blue

It's MyMiniFactory, here's our store link: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AtlanForge?show=store