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Trent L

(Checks calendar to make sure Saturday isn’t April Fools Day…)

Plastic Mobius

How much loyalty do I need to give for this because take my money! Just started backing earlier this month

R L Green

I think this is just their weekly release. They don't have a loyalty program yet

Tom Blue

Hey, thanks for the support man:) It's gonna be available on the MMF store for the folks who missed it as a reward. And maybe you stick around for the next big one three months from now:)

House Hendoe

So by "Loyalty" do you want months of paying patreon or volunteers for the Siege of Vraks? Cause you can have both now. This is what Catachan teens dream about when their told about the Astartes. Fantastic!


I could not help but smile with an evil grin and remember someone who asked our artist to "take inspiration" in Discord, just for participating in a light hearted chat about puppies.

Dwayne Hinton

oooo i have to find a howdah for this guy!!!

Ronald Olszewski

Wait, so if you aren't a patron for 3 months right now (I will be as of next month) then we don't get it once we DO hit three months?

Tom Blue

Ronald Olszewski, no, it would be to difficult to track, have to go through all 560+ patrons manually as is. Sorry to hear you just missed it but we had to start sometime. You will be able to pick this one up from the MMF store though (with a patron discount).


Been here from the start so Dino is roaring into my inbox I hope 😁

Jason Adams

This... this is... just impossibly awesome.

Phil Eaton

This is incredible!

John M

My step son will love this. He is big into Dinos, and he see's my son's Warhammer and now he can have one of both....

Barokai Rein

Man how big is this thing? It looks like it's like three times the size of a carnosaur. Will definitely pick it up when it goes on MMF.


I've already dedicated myself to GSC/Tyranids for the upcoming campaign with my game group. Why oh why must you tempt me towards chaos? Also why not some GSC/Tyranids for a thirsty fan?


Now you just need to make an Eldar Exodite version... 😜 https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2020/08/warhammer-40k-dino-riding-eldar-the-exodites.html


I have no idea what I'm going to use him as. But there is pretty much nothing cooler than an Astartes riding a trex with gun arms.

Tom Blue

I know, love those guys:) They're among the first I plan to make when I get to xenos.

Tom Blue

I'm deeply sorry to contribute to your eventual downfall:P Btw, xenos are on the schedule as soon as I get some helping hands, looking for a modeller as we speak. Man have I got some ideas.


imma print a hundred of these.

Fredrik Möller

well i guess i gotta buy a bigger printer :P


:/ honestly I don't have any use for this.

Can a goblin paint

Sat on the edge of my seat ready to slice and print hahah

Tom Blue

Maybe not, I've taken the effort to cut it up so all the parts fit a small plate.