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Second release of the month, the Hades Assault Thanatoi!

Presupported and feature various interchangeable parts: PowerAxes (3 Arm poses), PowerMauls (3 Arm poses), PowerSwords (3 Arm poses), 2 versions of PowerClaws (4 Arm poses), PowerFists (2 Arm poses), 5 Torsos, 9 Pauldrons, 3 Helms, and 3 Legs poses. Mirror legs for three extra poses and arms to get left/right ones.

Give 'em Hell!



Shannon Hooge

These are beautiful. Thanks for the hard work. Now off to print land!

Jer Nelsen

Absolutely amazing. Excited to print these!


We the evil in the midst of a party. Bring your skulls, minoans and asgardians... nothing else is needed. Manus Mortis allowed.


Love the claws/blades design. And the torso pieces are remarkable. Amazing, as always. Saturday is the best day of the week.

Dennis Young

The work on detail is amazing. All of there bits are interchangeable making the possibilities endless. Thank you

Jesse P

I love these!

House Hendoe

If I was to ever print Traitors, these made the short list for sure.

Tom Blue

Glad you like! Btw, I figure you can use lots of bits from these for other lines as well.


As always beautiful evil in its core. Amazing models! Helmets are so heartwarming remind me FO2 power armour.

Greg Carson

Sigh I like these too much... gonna have to buy the other Hades models now Lol

Tom Blue

Lol! Happy I seem to have done that good of a job with the big boys...


These are freakin hot!! Asked for something like this a little while back, did not disappoint! Will print em soon and add em to the Legion!

Will Nexii

Ah! These are for the hades line of models lol! When I saw the preview I was thining these might be Mortis models xD Badass to see hades assault assault fusion reactor hardened armor!! Hrmmm... I'm sure we'll be seeing a set of these with ranged weapons one day of course ;p Have to ask, will we see more Mortis creations this month? Any chance of fusion reactor hardened armor suited Mortis models? Or perhaps more Wai Toa models? (I think those are from him too lol?) Another thought I'd had that I could really use in terms of gameplay, I'd kill for some Aegyptian avian beastmen servants!!! Those would be extremely useful for my kill team and from a purely aesthetic and printing standpoint I would love to see what you could do with the idea!!!

Barokai Rein

I just noticed a the symbols on pauldron number 9. Very nice easter eggs,two of which are quite specific and especially fitting as well.

Tom Blue

Hehe, yup, ranged ones are in the plans for sure, and the Moris ones will come eventually. Nikola took a break this month, next one I believe there'll be a squad of Shark boys. As for Avian stuff, those will have to wait a Xenos tier probably, but they're something I'd like to make for sure!


Great job as always. Printed a set of the files this morning on my Saturn and everything looks awesome. The only suggestion I feel I could offer is I wish the helmet molds were a bit more recessed in the visor openings to give it more depth; they are a little shallow in my prints right now. I’m really going to have to keep my paints extra thin on these not to lose what detail I can get from the print already.

Tom Blue

Glad you like them man, and thanks for the feedback. Will make sure I make the visors more recessed for the ranged Thanatoi. Cheers!

Bill Murray

I noticed the shallow visor as well. Maybe even the entire helm is just a tad shallow but incredible work.