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Hi folks! Here are some sweet addons to pim-up your Landing Pod:) It's to show we appreciate all of you who support us continuously.

MMF notifications are sent to all who were subbed for the past three months, May-June-July. In case I missed someone just PM me your email and we'll sort it out fast. For the rest of you guys and gals, it's available to buy on the MMF store Monday on: myminifactory.com/users/AtlanForge


Moving Parts: Doors open and close and MainWeapons can be moved inside the pod and out.

Presupported and feature various interchangeable parts: ChaosDoor, EmpireDoor, MainMissileLauncher, MainAutoCannon, MainFlakCannon, MainEnergyCannon, Sensors, MainWeaponsBase, MainWeaponsHolder.

Enjoy and see you in three months time for another one!



Dark Bob

So its not a 3 month subscription reward? Or is it a reward for people who have been subscribers for those specific months?

Tom Blue

Hi, Bob, it's for those subbed May-June-July, it goes every three months like that.

Dark Bob

So if you subbed in say June, or July you'd miss out every three months because you didn't sub in May? Or its a one time reward that comes every 3 months and in the next 3 months a new one will appear and if you had been subbed in June or July you'd be eligible for that next one time reward?

Tom Blue

It's the first, every three months, fixed. Sadly, there's no automatic system on patreon to set it up the other way you mention. Btw, did you know we're having a summer sale and you can pick up this addon from MMF with 30% off? Just write in AtlanSummer. Cheers!