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Okay, before it's April First and I need to hide from the internet because every word I read may or may not be a hidden April First joke, I will quickly punch out the Project Plan post for April. :'D

It's going to be one of those "It's very straightforward ones."

Well, like I said, it's going to be a straightforward one. :D As mentioned in the last update post, we are now transitioning development into Chapter 3-B - it's end goal being to finish everything that requires 2D art. Especially this means finishing off the remaining Roya lewd scenes and even more importantly reaching the Corruption Ending.

What this means concretely is that until we reach the end of this development phase, each dev month will devote 2-3 weeks of development to Corruption Scenes as opposed to the usual average of 1 week.

Then, let's take a closer look into the individual weeks.

Week 1: I would like to finally continue the Pretend Dating Richard/Social Media/Modeling Scenes. Everyone who read the Herrman content probably figured that I look forward to writing the Pretend Dating Story lines. The reason I also added Social Media into the mix is that her dating Richard (and posting pics of it) will allow help Aura's popularity explode, which she of course at this time will find quite nice~.

Week 2: Then, another big part will be making progress in the visual corruption of Aura. I'm not yet sure which ones, but uh, I would say the Underwear ones are really lagging behind so I guess so getting the progression done on those would probably be the main goal. Not sure which scenes I will do in which week exactly so might switch some scenes from this week with some in the first one since I think there are some interactions between the event chains. We will see when I start doing the detailed planning in the next days.

Week 3: Then we take a break from Earth and go back to Roya. I am sadly quite a bit behind on the Adventurer Guild content, so that's going to be the focus of this week. I still need to setup the next Charlotte Quest (which will lead back to the Entertainment Den) and then also build up the related elements in that area. I had planned to at least get some concept work done last month, but I didn't get to it. So yeah, pushing here in order to hopefully get started on the Charlotte lewd scenes next month is the main goal of this week.

Week 4: Aaand then back to Earth, this time for Lewd Content. I will be focusing on the consequences of the Hedonism Orb corruption. The next time Aura sees Richard and Rose having sex, she won't be able to quite hold herself back!

Then, let's look at the freelancer side.


I will start with music, as our composer sadly just left the team. Last month, I reported that we wanted to go for a custom title music, so that won't happen. I don't think I will be hiring another composer, as we probably already took care of the most high value items. See here for the OST List that I created a while for SKA.

The composer's main contribution I would say is the Star Knightess theme which repeats not only in the The_Star_Knightess track but also in all other tracks he composed. Especially in the sexual tracks where they are reappear distorted and twisted. Something we couldn't have done using only music asset packs but that required a dedicated composer. However, I don't see as much value in the remaining BGMs, so I will probably not go through the effort of hiring another composer. At least not for 1.0. It is till kind of a shame since the price for music is usually onyl about 100€/min, so about 1 track every two months, which is kind of impactful for a rather low budget. But then again, it's a lot of back forth between me and the composer, iterating, and since I'm not musically gifted, it's often very difficult for me to give good feedback and input, making the production process quite tiresome for me.

Ironically, the main reason I wanted custom music was for more diverse combat music, especially to replace the combat track, but that just didn't work out somehow. I will... probably just leave it be for now I guess. :'D

Pixel Art

Instead, I would like to shift the budget towards what is technically out next goal - a pixel artist. Technically, we didn't quite reach it counting only our Patreon income buuuut we do also have like 90€/month on Subscribestar so taking it together we did kind of get close enough to breaking the 7k€ goal so I decided to already start the hiring process and made put out some position adertisements. The 100€ we had for music I will then for now move over to this category, giving us a monthly budget of 300€.

Let's see if we can find someone good. :) The work the pixel artist would be focusing on would be on improving the art consistency and polishing up the game for 1.0. That includes most importantly improving the pixel art characters of our main cast to make them match up with their 2D anime images. And then probably just general improvements on the environmental level.

2D Art

With us being mostly caught up the current content, it's getting a bit difficult to making future predictions on the upcoming H-CGs. As I mentioned already, I discussed the briefs for the Lord Trademond scenes with our artist Emubi, so those are currently in the work. After that, we will be finishing off the Brothel through the CGs for the second costumer.

In Mai, we will start on the H-Scenes I planned to write towards the end of April, in particular the next scene in the Rose Infiltrating Cheerleaders event chain. Then, we need to actually already start preparing for the ending, for which we need one more piece of character artwork, which is an evil/corrupt Aura Star Knightess costume.

In June, I hope the Charlotte scenes are far enough to illustrate them and then we will do some other Earth scenes I will have written until then. Currently, absolutely unclear as it depends on my concrete plans on which scenes I will be writing in Mai.


Our assistant writer Absurdity has started to brainstorm the concepts for the last bit of the Nephlune Underground content and it's close-out. Currently the direction seems to be some sort of election-like event to make Liliana or an opposing candidate a High-Ranking Magister, with various corrupt options to create support.

And that's going to be the month!




This looks like a lot of fun!


yeah seems pretty good how about in the future creating more scene with arwins like she become her maid etc ?