JUDY X NICK basic storyboard (Patreon)
- My plan for it is to have it available for purchase online as a collection of high quality images, naturally all patreon members would get certain discounts on it, once I've decided the price.
- I am open for suggestions on what the front cover would be, as it will be the main source of advertising on other sites.
- Considering the size of the collection it will be made up of a more simplified style, but don't worry, the quality shouldn't suffer, just maybe a little less shadows and highlights here and there.
- Nicks face is being left out mainly to allow the audience to put themselves in his position, hence why a few of the shot look to be from a semi first person perspective.
- I am considering an 'anatomically correct variant' if demand were high enough, mostly just changing the penis.
Like I said, let me know what you think, got any ideas that might improve it? any ideas for a front cover? etc.