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This message is exclusively for those of you paying for full colour commissions.

I have been doing this for two months now and whilst it has been a lot of fun, I need to make it clear that the workload to payout ratio is not quite in my favour, chief among them being the conversion rate from US dollars to UK pounds.

So as it is I am going to raise the amount required for a full colour commission from $25 to $38.

Now I know some of you may not be able to afford that, but please understand that yes I look to please my followers, but I also need to respect myself as an artist and not sell myself short, don't worry tho, all of your commissions will be completed and after that, you are free to choose whatever you want to do.

I hope you all understand my decision and if you have any suggestions on this policy change, do let me know

This change will go into effect on the 5th April.

With that said hope you have a happy April and be sure to look my way for Easter ;)


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