September 2019 Character Poll (Non-RWBY Characters) (Patreon)
Alright time for a new one. Though, I may have to revise how I do this later down the line since there are a lot of Triple and Quadruple Scoops now...
Anyway, write the character you want put in the poll down below. Please make sure to include the full name of the character and the series they came from in the format;
(Character's full name) - (Series)
Like this:
R. Dorothy Wayneright - Big O
This is so it's easier for me to copy and paste into the poll so it's fast.
If it's not done in that format, I'll just gloss over it.
EDIT: Gonna extend suggestion time since I made it too short. I'll be making a 3rd poll post as well as extending the end date for the ones already posted to reflect this. Sorry about that! I'll stop taking anymore suggestions on the 22nd (right when the date changes from 21st to 22nd).
EDIT EDIT: Okay, it's really over now. If you didn't suggest a character, you'll have to wait til next time.