How Would You Like to Access My Content? (Patreon)
Hey everyone, and a big hello to new subscribers - nice to see you here! I'm sitting in bed this morning, drinking a coffee, mentally preparing myself to go running, and thinking about how to develop things further with this project.
I have one further poll to help clarify a practical issue about how best to deliver content to you all. I'd like to do this in the way that best suits you.
Currently I'm considering only embedding uncensored versions of audio here. This struck me as the more obvious method initially, but it would mean users having to switch between YouTube and Patreon if you want to catch all the content.
An alternative I'm considering would be a DropBox or Google Drive link (with a password changed monthly) where ALL content - SFW and NSFW - could be accessed in a way that's more comprehensive and orderly.
Which would you prefer?
On another note - I have my next three audios completed, including two Patreon-only uncensored versions. They should all be posted over the course of the next week.
Thanks in advance for your input - there's a lot to think about when you set up something like this so the feedback really helps.
BF x