Mid-November Update! (Patreon)
Hey all. I've got an unhappy update to share - I have Covid.
In fact, I've had it for about a week. I was one of the unfortunate double-vaxxed people who catches a 'breakthrough case', as they call it. I was totally wiped out for a few days, it felt like the flu. Now it's almost gone, although I till have to self-isolate until the end of the week, as per the rules over here. Most importantly - I feel fine and I'm almost back to being fully healthy!
The only problem is, it still affects my voice. It's like having a cold at this point - I sound somewhat congested. I've written 5 new scripts in the last two days, but I haven't been able to record them yet. So if you've noticed that perhaps I haven't posted as consistently this month as I normally do, that would be why... Luckily I had a pre-recorded Patreon-Exclusive work that's just been edited, and will be up later today.
You might also remember that I was almost due to fly to Australia to see my family for Christmas, for the first time in three years. Well, that's not happening now, as I won't be able to produce the negative Covid test result that's required to board the flight and enter the country. So that's the second time since Covid began that a flight home has been cancelled. But I'll re-book for February or March and get there eventually.
This isn't a 'woe is me' post and I'm not out here looking for sympathy, but just wanted to explain why some of the posts lately have been recycled content, and also update for anyone who follows what's said in the monthly updates.
Please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. And by the time my voice is back on track in a day or two, I'll have a hot load of great scripts to record, including the next series: Lessons On Being Cool [Bully x Listener]
Hope you're all happy and healthy,