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Hey everyone... here's part ONE of the first series! Featuring the voice submission of a mysterious Patron who wishes to remain anonymous. You know who you are - thank you for your assistance!

Part TWO will be up tomorrow... or later today, depending on how I feel like spending my sunny afternoon 🙂


Please note: all characters are 18+ legal adults engaging in a consensual roleplay scenario




Your editing is pro+ and the flawless sync :o asmr artist of the year vote where ;)

Durian Danger

Do not bully me like this, I’ll cum!

Durian Danger

I’m going to growl and purr while at work! My boss has to wonder why I’m squirming

Paige Lopez

Thank you! ☺️

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

i want The Store Clerk to have a recurring role with the same voice actor… we need to be at the supermarket/grocery store more often… Please and Thank You! and oh when he said “hey cutie, nice a** you’ve got there” i levitated

OpheliaDawn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 09:30:23 Aww Anon has a cute little voice! Good job whoever you are 🥰👏🏻 & sign me UP for another Bully audio 😳😏👌🏼
2022-08-10 17:41:18 Aww Anon has a cute little voice! Good job whoever you are 🥰👏🏻 & sign me UP for another Bully audio 😳😏👌🏼

Aww Anon has a cute little voice! Good job whoever you are 🥰👏🏻 & sign me UP for another Bully audio 😳😏👌🏼

Pam 701

Oooh, this sounds very promising! Great job with the guest voice. Looking forward to the rest of this series! ❤️