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  • Emav_preview_in_scene.mp4



I got around to rendering the last of the frames and such! I added a little "only dinos" logo at the bottom left for fun :p you may recall the "only dinos" idea from awhile ago where I was like "it's a place where people pay to see hot amateur dinos!" or something. This would be the kind of content on such a website.

There's a few things that will change though, such as:

- The cam view of the bronto's cakes isn't on the monitor but will be in the final version

- The render sample rate is low and the resolution is low, but final one will be higher res/better quality stuff

- Maybe not have the only dinos thing in the corner

- Might mess with the soft body settings so jiggles might be different

I'm pretty happy with how this turned out though! I wasn't sure what this would look like until now, seeing the animation at a steady frame rate and fully rendered but came out surprisingly well. Thanks for everyone's amazing support.

The finished animation is quite close to being done! I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of this will look in the actual environment and rendered nicely *_*



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