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  • asscam_frames_all0001-4505.mp4
  • title and hud.mp4



Here's the full video- there' some problems and such that kind of ruin it for viewing on it's own if you ask me, but the purpose of it is to be on the monitor in the environment! Which is why some animations are a bit weird, like it looks good from the viewing angle but a bit awkward from the cam view.

Next, render the actual video with the video on the monitor! I'll start that soon. I need most of my computer's resources for school assignments which I have to do :T

Oh yeah also! I've decided on a title for my dumb school assignment game.

I've included gameplay- I added a main menu, bare-bones functional HUD, player health and a basic enemy.

I would like to have some cute, lewd-ish enemies but that requires designing/modeling/rigging/animating a relatively detailed thing so instead I made a error window enemy.

Also an idea for a navi-like helper character that I would like to model and have in game, but will probably stay a concept for now. Imagine a lil pony-dragon that looks and smells like a cherry cream cheese danish~

I'm really kind of thinking that maybe I can make something that's fun to play? Unreal is a lot easier to use than I originally thought... idk though. It would be like, basic running, jumping, shooting, etc... more of a prototype than a game.




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