Next animation poll 1: Dragons? (Patreon)
I have a lot of different ideas things I'd like to do next, all of which I'm equally happy with, but does anyone want the next one to be feral dragons? (that can talk, like, if I'm doing a dragon animation, it's going to talk. We're having a talking dragon, no question about it)
I'm thinking either feral x feral, so two dragons smashing, or feral x some kobolds or equine-y type characters (2-3).
If you don't see an option you like, leave a comment about what else you have in mind please!
I'm asking this first because I think if we decide do dragons, I'd either want to do a fantasy setting with fantasy kobolds, or a sci-fi setting with science kobolds. But a modern dragon animation is by no means out of the question! It's just that I don't know where dragons fit into the world I imagine my stuff taking place in by like... it doesn't really matter too much honestly. It'll be a very lewd animation- not some chapter in an on-going, story rich saga! So hotness takes precedence over continuity (maybe it's in-universe fetish stuff who knows :p)