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I've gone and update the tiers. This doesn't affect any current patrons! I've unpublished the dollar slice tier and renamed it "Legacy dollar slice." Originally, the dollar slice tier had access to WIP content, finished stuff and voting in polls (The legacy dollar slice remains this way).

I've decided to make these benefits apply to a new, $2 tier. I've been meaning to do this for some time as a lot of the $1 payment goes to Patreon and payment processors, but didn't really think much about because at the time I had like, less than 50 patrons.

From a blog post by Patreon:

How to Save on Processing Fees

One very practical reason for raising your bottom tier prices that Laura Bensen discusses in the video is that it markedly decreases your processing fees.As she explains, a $1 tier after fees from Patreon and credit processors, results in $0.67 in your pocket. If you raise your bottom tier to $2 you get to keep $1.64- that’s over twice as much!


But I think the $1 tier is good for people who only want to see finished stuff, which is understandable. I appreciate any support- if someone decides to do $1 one time, then cancel their pledge, I completely understand why someone would do that.

However, to actually get more money from a pledge, I've added a $2 tier. To justify it's presence, the $2 tier will have the same access to stuff the legacy $1 slice tier has (so, voting in polls, WIP content and finished stuff).

As I said, nothing is changing for all you wonderful folks. It only applies to new patrons starting today. The $5 tier remains the same as well. The only difference is I've made new icons for tiers, such as the legacy $1 slice:

I've also updated the look of the page a bit to be more swanky.

Thank you everyone- you all have been so incredibly supportive. I can't believe all the nice comments and huge influx of supportive people lately!



I think I'll stay with 5

velocirection (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-27 19:59:49 Thank you so much!!! <3
2021-10-16 20:33:36 Thank you so much!!! <3

Thank you so much!!! <3