Final preview! (Patreon)
POV sound test FLUIDS AND SOUND final preview0000-2754.mp4
Update: moved image into post body.
I think now, the sound and such are quite acceptable. Next, I'll be putting everything into the real scene, though I'm going to try a couple different moods. Like maybe it's dark, and the bronto has color changing RGB lights :p or it's sunset/sunrise, and there's golden light peaking through the window.
From the last preview, I made the creaks more subtle. I also ended up recording some more sounds, this time with a cheap $20 penetratable toy. It's decent, but it's also pretty loud! And can make some good sounds so I recorded it. With it, I got some good "sshhhlpop!" sounds :p
Also, for some reason the music isn't in here... which I don't know how not? It's not disable in the video sequencer, but that's fine. I don't think I'll be using a heavily copyrighted new-age song in the background. So play whatever music you want (or no music!)
The fluid is *okay* and I'm tired of messing with it for this animation >_> but, not terrible for a first attempt I think.