"Bad & Loud Dragon" full animation + credits (UPDATED) (Patreon)
dragon_finalrenders_updatedCreds1_0000-2967.mp4 -
dragon_finalrenders_publicFIXED CLIPPING0000-2967.mp4
EDIT: Mia Impala, one of the amazing, legendary Frozen Pizza patrons, informed me that I didn't include their name after saying I did- this was an error on my part! I've updated the video to fix that + a few new names I just collected. My apologies!
Hello! Here's the full animation. I'll be updating the credits for the public release, which I'm not sure when that will be (likely some time next month?), so if you're a frozen pizza patron and your name isn't in the special thanks and you want your name in the special thanks, message me when you can!
I'm so grateful for the incredible support everyone has been giving me. I'm blown away by it all the time and it's been amazing making cool 3d animation stuff.
This is simply the first character in the dragon animation project- next, is the kobold character and her animation~
*I'm really happy with how this pose turned out!!!*
EDIT: Somehow, I didn't see some pretty bad clipping in the animation. So, I fixed it. The new version is the public version (which has the most recent credits as well). Thank you again everyone!