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  • rougetest1_bodywip2_0185-0404.mp4



I added bones for lip deformation which means it's time to try animating with it! It looks like sassy kobold with a mature womanly voice is winning in the polls... and it made me think "wait a second... this reminds me of something..."

It made me think of Rouge the bat of Sonic! I found a clip that seemed like it room for some nice expressivenet and animated it


(the test animation is attached below)

I don't want to polish it further because I've already proven to myself the lips/jaw/eyebrows/eyelids are working properly... but it was fun to do :p

I also tested out whether or not the rig works well with a sitting down pose:

Not bad! But, I would like to have her pull a [b]utt plug from her butt, so the next challenge is... can I do that with the rig???

Sort of.

It might work- this is just going from pose to pose, with the computer doing all the inbetween stuff from key frame to key frame. It seems like it's quite possible to animate her pulling the plug from her butt.

But I don't know if I want to it from this angle. I kind of want to do it with her standing up, because it allows us to get a better view of the entire body. Buuuut... I'm getting more and more attached to this view.

Not sure yet...
