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it issss Cat Day in Japan! 22/2 😍 and I've had this wip lying around for a while and finally got to finish it at a appropriate time! hahhaa
Would you keep a cat like this? Gotta warn ya, she gets hungry easily πŸ˜‚


Hey guys! Hope y'all are well πŸ’– I'm not sure if you guys have noticed. I have been struggling to make content especially interesting ones? I'm not sure. But it has been hard for a while. I'm trying to get used to drawing faster so I can draw more freely and post more. I am very sorry for how it has been going lately... I really appreciate so many of you supporting me still and been very patient with me. Thank you is never enough to describe how grateful I am to all of you. Please let Vanilla accompany everyone just a little longer πŸ₯ΊπŸ’œ




Im the mouse squeek


that's a very sexy cat 🀀 must be fun to play with in heat


She looks like a good kitty. Would pet.


Absolutely adorable. She is purrfect

Alexander Truman

You’re doing great! I always find new things to enjoy about your illustrations. It took me until today to notice how her hair forms into a little rose.


I personally enjoy all of your posts no matter what scenario vanilla is put into!!


I'd love to lick, I mean groom her. 😊 Don't feel bad about the cadence at which you are releasing drawings. The quality is always top tier. You are not a machine: you cannot just press a button and have the ideas flowing. Please treat yourself with kindness and patience. 🩷


Your quality and scenarios are top tier Eden and I don't think, personally, that you are posting too slowly. Honestly, the only thing I would touch and that's me being picky is Vanilla's arms. She has a thicc to chubby figure, but ther arms seem to be completely skinny, which looks a bit weird if you pay attention to it, but again, that's me being picky, your work is absolutely great. (I believe the third panel exemplifies what I mean perfectly, the one where she is on her knees)


I appreciate your comment! Sometimes I go back and forth with the size of her arms as well!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. A great reminder that you guys care about me and my art. Thank you for being here πŸ’–