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Hi everyone! I'm working away on chapter 4, and started considering dates for the update. I'd like to get at least one more scene done first, so I can't give you any concrete answer yet - but I'm aiming for sometime next week.

If you remember from last week's post, I've finished the Robin scene, and I'm showing more of Mordred's tutoring right now - more specifically, Mordred's magic lessons with Morgana. We're learning more about how exactly emotions tie in to one's magic, and whether Mordred is trying to reign in those bursts of power, or letting the magic run wild. Exciting stuff! And even more exciting: you get to pet a kitty! 



Anyone: "I gonna make my Mordred the most powerful knight and sorcerer that ever existed" Me: "that kitty is going to be so loved and get the best belly rubs they ever had!!"